-ElectroChemicals- Las falacias de una persona comiendo manzana.
También en Deviant >

24 de enero de 2009

Pequeño refugio.

A black coffee with some sugar and no arguing at all, please. And that's what she got, because what you want is what you get at the coffee shop. But there was a price to pay for it, and not only in the local currency. They had to be four teaspoonfuls of 100% fat sugar in order to sweeten at least a minimum, and for avoiding any kind of arguing it had to have some cream in order to lighten things up. Because you can not avoid arguing in dark places, even when your mug is light enough on the outside.
It was a lonely black coffee, raw in itself.

2 comentarios:

Tere dijo...

Creo que estudias Literatura Inglesa en la UC. Me equivoco?
Yo entro este año, soy novata. Entro a lo mismo, obvio
En que año vas tú?

Tere dijo...

jajaj, no, no era yo :O
Iba a entrar pero se me hizo muy tarde.

Ayudantía para el segundo semestre? mira tú, que buena

Bueno saludos, entonces
pronto seremos mucho más que ciber conocidas, supongo
